Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Tookie to Tikrit

In 10 hours and 16 minutes, Stanley Williams will be put to death. 
In 54 hours and a few minutes, Iraqi citizens will begin to vote. 

A gangsta, a thug, a nigga will die a martyr        &
A Sunni, a Sh'ite, a Kurd will live an ideal         
Both be symptomatic of how we humans decide our fate as well as others. 
Both be born of a process that seeks justice through unjust means. 
Both, comedic in their tragedy. 
Both, shocking in their realism. 
Both irrelevant to the average American's day. 
So easy to care about neither circumstance. 
So cryptic to engage either's significance. 
How unsettled both shall read, a textual rememberance. 
How anxious both shall figure, a dreadful augury. 

In ten hours the state will kill 
In 54 hours the polls will open in 

Friday, January 16, 2015

Intro to an End

Wow, to be here now, talking to you
bout this
I'v heard a few lyrics
stole a few rhymes 
But I never felt
so behind the times
Can't watch the game
without feeling shame

I live the bohemian lifestyle 
Words can't bring me down
To definitions I never wrote
Yet understood
To mean I was beautiful 

We all care what others think
No reason to make a stink
We've come so far 
Let's enjoy the brink

Staring down always felt more natural than
looking up
To yous I'm just thug

A Tax Platform

This ain't class warfare 
My platform is for societal welfare
And before you say socialist nigga
Read my lips
I'm talkin all new taxes
Like every good capitalist
Man can make what he make
Just can't take what he take
So if that is your first take:

Than I'm a commie bastard
And a vote for me would be a disaster 
Then you better stop listening 
Lest I Change your mind
As I speak on design 
And how we've all bought in
To fucking toeing the line
Ain't about believing lies
Or speaking truths 
But building roofs 
Providing shelter
Meeting needs
If it bleeds it feeds
It will bleed to feed
So it will come for yours if you don't give it some
And now day it seems like none. 

Taxes are what built the Roman Empire
Don't care what gibbon say
I'v never read him anyway
It's when they stopped paying taxes
That empire fell
Come on people it ain't 
Hard to tell 

[ A Tax Platform ]